Respond to Your Divine Calling
Updated: Mar 29, 2024
Listen to His whispers for a full blossom - How to Find Your Signature Vision (3)
Eric Liddell, one of the most renowned Christian athletes, once said, “I believe God made me for a purpose - for China, but he also made me fast, and when I run, I feel his presence.”
To respond to his divine calling, he run hard and won the 400-meter race gold medal, at the Paris Olympic game, in 1924. After he won, he became famous. Fame and wealth were in front of him. However, he gave up the world’s glory, responded to his holy calling again, he went to China as a missionary, a poor country.

In the previous two posts of the four series, Find Your Signature Vision, we talked
>> Start with the End in Mind, Why should you need a vision tells you how important to have a vision in life so you know the direction in your life journey.
>> Recognize your signature Gift by looking inside and knowing yourself shows how you are wonderfully made
You are made wonderfully and uniquely for a purpose. And God has a calling in each his unique purposeful design.
Today, let's discuss step 3, Respond to the Divine call by listening to his whispers and have a full blossom.
Everything is made for a purpose to show the creator’s glory and to live out his richness. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalm 19:1)

The variants of plants with luxurious colors, elegant shapes and rich texture beautify the world and reveal His abundance; fruits, grains, and vegetables in different seasons provide us with all kinds of nutrition. All nature’s creations are living out their calling spontaneously to their fullest - flowers give a full blossom and birds tweet and sing freely without any anxiety and stress.
The variants of plants with luxurious colors, elegant shapes and rich texture beautify the world and reveal His abundance; fruits, grains, and vegetables in different seasons provide us with all kinds of nutrition. All nature’s creations are living out their calling spontaneously to their fullest - flowers give a full blossom and birds tweet and sing freely without any anxiety and stress.
During the creation, God elevated humans above everything by breathing his spirit in us, gave us free will and all the right to manage everything on earth. And He expected us to live out to our fullness according to His design but we all failed. God did not give up, instead He humbled himself, came to the world , and called us gently and firmly, “I have come that you may have life and have it to full.” (John 10:10)
We are called to live out our fullness according to our unique talent from Him. That means in your unique design, God has a unique calling to you, that’s your unique fullness in your DNA, your fingerprint, your burning desire, your passion and longing. And the fullness is wrapped within a shell, your physical nature. No one knows your fullness except for the Maker. You have to go to Him. Ask Him, listen to his whispers and find the way to your fullness, God-ordained passion and vision in life.
To get your calling clear, you have to ask him intentionally and constantly. Pray to him, read his words and meditate on His words. God is a spirit and he is omnipresence, you can hear his voice when you are live in him. The song, This is my father’s world, tells He shines in all that's fair; In the rustling grass, I hear him pass… He speaks to you everywhere.
> God whispers to you through his creation – nature.
A. W. Tozer said, “God dwells in His creation and is everywhere indivisibly present in all His works. He is transcendent above all His works even while He is immanent within them.”
When you walk into nature, watch the stars, see seasons of changes, glimpse a sunrise, you may get a unique message from him. One day, in an early morning, when I saw a gorgeous sunrise at a cold train station, I heard God’s voice, you are wonderfully made
I wrote the book, Grow to your fullest, when I got the message from flowers in full blossom and plants that are bearing fruits. God told me that He want every of us to bloom and bear fruits too just like those flowers and fruitful plants.
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> God speaks to you by using people around you. They may be your family members, close friends or someone you even do not know well. God spoke to Abraham through three travelers (angels in disguise) when he was sitting at the entrance of his tent (Genesis 18:2); He spoke to Moses through his farther in law (Exodus 18:17-23); He spoke to David through prophet, Nathan, when he sinned (2 Samuel 12) ; When they listened to them, their life made victorious difference.
> God talks to you through your experience - good or bad, success or failure
Joseph was sold by his brothers to Egypt because they were jealousy of him. In Egypt, Joseph became a slave, suffered and put in jail. But the story was not end there instead he became a ruler there. Later he sensed that God used his brothers to fulfill God’s plan so he prepared the way to save Israel by sending him to Egypt earlier. When Joseph understood this, he forgave all his brothers and said to them after his father, Jacob, died, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)
Your calling is in your life journey and you have to pay attention to get it. When I got the bell’s palsy, God told me it’s a Beautiful Mess, so I heard and experienced God in my chaos.
> God twitters to you through all kinds of global events like shifts in market and technology, disasters like Covid 19, or political and culture movements. God uses these events to change your environment or your focus in life so you may be impacted and forced to make a change.
Back to 2012, when I saw big data was going to be fully fledged and open source technology was becoming dominant in market, I sensed a calling to make a change in career to develop new skills. I took a leap of faith and quit my job then took risk and jumped in a start-up company where I learned and used those new technologies. I once lost my job unexpectedly, later I realized it’s a calling to adjust my environment as it was a wrong fit and I was not happy there.
To get God’s message, you have to believe that, in everything, God is in control, nothing can happen without His permission; you have to aware him and deeply live and walk in Him and constantly come to him and ask him. He said, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)
Be still, be in solitude, be intentional, be mindful on all things so you can connect all the dots and find his unique calling to you.
When I focus on things daily without him, I can easily feel empty, confused, lost or worried but whenever I connect my mind to him, I get His message, and sense the richness of life and gain clarity and hope even when I am helpless for what is happening. And God helps me hear his calling in my helpless and misery moments.
Everything in the universe start a journey to the fullness in responding to God’s calling, his unique purposeful design. Tulips listen to the call in spring then bloom to their fullest gloriously; Maple trees listen to the call in autumn then turns to striking colors.
When Jesus said to Peter and his brother Andrew , “Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” And at once they left their nets and followed Him (Matthew 4:18-20)
Many people ever heard their callings, immediately responded and took a divine path to their fullest and lived in passion and joy. Eric Liddell became an Olympic game winner in following his call for running 400 meter race. Later he went to china to be a minister once again in following his divine call instead of following the world to continue to be a runner.
You are a sleeping giant in a seed planted by God and He bestows you a noble vision to live up to in order to bring out the best in you and consistently calls you day by day in every season.
Now it’s your time to respond to His divine calling for God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).
Now it’s your time to set off on a journey to your fullest.
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Grow to your fullest from 10/23 to 10/27
In the next post, I will write step 4, Seek A Daring Vision , the four series of how to find your signature vision.
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May you grow to your fullest!
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