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Bear Fruits - Multiply Your Success

Writer's picture: Ling ZhangLing Zhang
Nurture success and inspire transformation- Bloom to Your Fullest (2)

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts - Winston Churchill

About ten years ago, I stood on the sixteenth floor of a building, gazing at the bustling city below. Uncertainty and fear weighed heavily on my heart as I anticipated trouble at work. Little did I know that day would be my last in that company. Anger, tears, frustration, shame, and confusion consumed me. How did this happen?

You are on the journey to Grow to Your Fullest, Step 4, a series of Bloom to Your Fullest. (Fig 1: 4 Steps to Grow to Your Fullest) In our previous post, Multiply Your Personal Success , we discussed embarking on a new journey to a new horizon. Today let’s talk reaching that horizon by bearing fruits.

Four steps to grow to your fullest
Fig 1 - 4 Steps to Grow to Your Fullest

Personal success is just the beginning, not the end. It's about more than your own growth; it's about the growth of others and the world. Spread the fragrance of your success and nurture the success of others. The more you pass on your success, the fuller you become.

Flowering signifies personal success, but it doesn't contribute to others. True fullness means making an eternal difference in the lives of those around you, leaving a lasting impact. This is the fruit born from your blossom.

One of the fruits you can bear is sharing your stories of both failure and success. Write a book, post on a website, or directly tell people about your experiences. By sharing the lessons from your journeys, others can learn, gain insight, acquire wisdom, and receive inspiration.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9)

In my earlier story, I shared a failure. But that's not the end. Let's continue.

Afterward, I reflected on the lessons learned. Was it solely my manager's fault, or did I bear some responsibility? If I had effectively communicated the challenges, painted a bigger picture, and provided a transformative roadmap, would the outcome have been different? What if I had quantified the growth potential while addressing risks?

Another fruit you can bear is gathering the wisdom gained on your path to success. Share this wisdom with others, helping them achieve success faster. Summarize what you've learned and spread your story, wisdom, and law of success. By doing so, more people can follow your path and blossom in their own lives. Let's continue my story.

With these reflections in mind, I started a new job, achieving quick wins and improving communication of expectations. However, crafting compelling stories remained a struggle. Convincing stakeholders of the true value of data science proved challenging. After a decade of effort, failures, and perseverance, I mastered the recipe for success. I established accurate expectations, integrated data science seamlessly into business operations, and achieved one victory after another.

Now I created AI & Data Science Leadership Accelerator program, from Quick Wins to Lasting Gains: 90 Days Transformation blueprint. Through the program, I can help aspiring or new data science professionals, adding value to their careers and guiding them to avoid pitfalls.

The value of your life is not just defined by what you have but also about the value you give to others, your influence, and the lives you transform.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10)

Now, please reflect on lessons from your life journey and share your stories and wisdom with others. In the next post, I will discuss how you can plant seeds of success in others’ life to multiply your own success and continue growing to your fullest.

May you grow to your fullest!

If you want to have a group of people to support so you can share your roadmap, goals, celebrate your wins together, please join Grow to Your Fullest Circle.

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Grow to Your Fullest in AI & Data Science Career, Leadership, Business, and Life | Philadelphia | PA | | 215 530 4815 | © Copyright Grow to Your Fullest 2016  

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